Top 10 Tips To Save Money On Car Repairs And Maintenance
Anyone who has owned a used automobile would know just how expensive it can be to manage repairs and perform regular maintenance on the vehicle. While you might find a good deal on a used car, the repairs can break your budget and empty your bank.
Keeping the high cost of repairs in mind, it is recommended that you fix the problem through money-saving hacks and tips. While auto repairs tend to be expensive, there are ways you can save on the cost by being frugal.
Your vehicle will encounter different system failures at some point, and it would be wise to keep a couple of things in mind that can help you deal with the problem effectively. In this article, you’ll find some of the tips you can follow to save money on car repairs posted by us. Follow these tips to take care of your car and save money where you can.
Top 10 Tips To Save Money On Car Repair And Maintenance
Just imagine driving down the road, and all of a sudden, you hear a loud sound from your car. Soon after, the check engine light comes on, and your car shuts down. Well, this is probably one of the most nerve-wracking times for any driver.
When these vehicle repairs show up, it is likely that you will feel overwhelmed by the high cost of repairs, but it is actually possible to save more money on repair work if you have an idea of the different repair costs. Following are the top ten ways you can save money on car repairs:
#1 Ask for Mechanic Recommendations
It is always good to look around for mechanic suggestions and find one that you can trust. You shouldn’t just pick the dealership or the mechanic located closest to your home but should try to find a mechanic that you can trust in the long run.
You should ask your friends, co-workers, and dealerships to help point you towards the best mechanics around you. Chances are, if you find a good mechanic, you will be able to save money with them and avoid expensive repairs that are aggravated due to the repairman’s negligence.
#2 Stick To Your Regular Mechanic
Loyalty saves you money! That’s the motto to go with if you want to save money on car repairs. When you do find a good mechanic, you should try to stick with them and get all your work done by the same guy. A good mechanic will know all there is to know about your car and ensure that they look after you through monetary discounts or good work.
There are a number of mechanics today that might rip you apart monetarily on the pretext of fall repairs in your vehicle. You should look to stray away from them and only get your work done from a reliable mechanic that you go to routinely.
#3 Rotate the Tires Often
The tires of your car can experience a lot of wear and tear over time, especially if you regularly drive on bumpy roads or take frequent trips up hilly regions. This could cause uneven tire wear, which is bad for the stability of your vehicle.
If left unchecked, this can increase your fuel costs and also affect the life of your tires. You should look to rotate the tires every 5,000-8,000 miles and avoid taking them on uneven surfaces as you might end up damaging other specific vehicle components.
#4 Read Online Reviews
Almost all dealerships today have an online presence of some sort. You can find a Google My Business page for them, alongside a review page on Yelp. Before you head to a dealership, it is always recommended that you read these online reviews first and understand what to expect. Do not go to a dealership with poor reviews.
Good car repair shops provide reliable transportation whenever the car maintenance or tune-ups take longer than expected. If the maintenance work is very urgent, then they should offer you free transportation to get you back on the road as soon as possible or offer a reliable automobile hire service while your car is being fixed.
#5 Drive Like You Care For Your Car
You can save a lot of money on car repairs if you start driving as you care for your car. It is always good to drive with a light foot and avoid any potholes on the way. Driving with care is a good practice to kill the need for frequent repairs and preventative maintenance jobs in your vehicle.
Additionally, driving with a light foot and taking care of your vehicle can also help improve the fuel efficiency of your car. What this means is that your vehicle will burn less fuel and run more kilometers on it.
You can follow the tips above to save money on car repairs. Remember to not take preventive maintenance lightly and always get your car checked regularly. Although maintenance costs can be quite high at times, it is a necessary investment that has to be included in your personal finance expenses.
#6 Change The Oil Regularly
Oil changes help to keep the engine of your vehicle clean and working well. Prolonged neglect of the oil changes can cause a number of issues in your vehicle, especially to its internal components.
Most dealerships provide an oil change as part of their regular car checkup, and as such, you should ask them for regular appointments to keep your car running smoothly. Remember not to go past the recommended intervals that you can find on your owner’s manual.
Some auto parts stores can help you find oil for your car online. By doing so, you can guarantee that you do not increase the gas mileage performance and end up spending money on the extra gasoline. In the long run, you can save thousands on gas and keep your car running smoothly.
#7 Check The Vehicle Owner’s Manual
As soon as the check engine light comes on, you might feel a number of things. You could continue driving with your vehicle and let the light come on for a long time. This isn’t recommended because it can cause significant problems later down the road.
It is always a great idea to check your owner’s manual so you can identify what the problem is and whether or not it can be fixed yourself. If you cannot do this, then take your vehicle to a mechanic as soon as possible so they can diagnose the problem and fix it accordingly.
If you have recently started seeing the check engine light come up, then understanding what the different warning lights mean can help you save a few dollars by taking control of the negotiation when it comes to managing the different car repair costs.
#8 Take The Routine Maintenance Serious
Your car maintenance schedule is something that you should never miss. If you do not keep to the schedule, then you could be inviting a number of problems in your car as well as spending extra money on minor repairs that you can get done yourself.
By following your routine maintenance schedule and taking care of your car, you can save a lot of money if you learn how to buy your own parts online or at a reliable auto store. Just the cost of parts like brake pads, car batteries, windshield wipers, or even brake lights can be very expensive.
Changing wiper blades and other simple car parts like your car battery can be a simple task that can be done by many car owners, and it can help you save money on car repairs. Other things like glass chips or checking the brake fluid levels are also simple tasks that you can learn how to do yourself.
You can take advantage of the core charge by buying a rebuilt part and returning the old worn-out part to the auto parts store. This is another example of saving money on a repair job.
#9 Use A Good Repair Shop or Certified Technicians
Check if your local repair shop has the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certifications. This can help you identify if the shop has the right training and tools to service your car.
You should look to get your work done from a reputable repair shop that has the right certifications, technicians, and equipment to fix your car issues. Look for reviews online and price comparisons before you choose a place for getting regular checkups or having repairs done on your vehicle.
#10 Get A Second Opinion
Once you get an instant loan for bad credit, you shouldn’t just give it to the first mechanic you find. In fact, it is recommended that you always get an opinion from an independent mechanic on what is best for you and how you can go about it.
An opinion from different auto mechanics can give you a defined path for the future and tell you what you need to do for a good repair job. Not only can getting another opinion help you save costs, but it can also help you get a decent repair job, which will fix all problems in the vehicle.
Best Tips and DIY Ideas For Simple Repairs
Troubleshooting repairs isn’t always recommended, but there are times when your car has a minor fault, which you can fix by yourself after going through some reviews online. Be aware of grinding, roaring, and other noises from your car, and do some research online to come up with a few reasons behind that noise.
Once you have narrowed down your options, you can work on them to find out what exactly caused the noise and how you can save money on the car repairs that resulted because of it. If the issue is a minor one that involves minimal tools and expertise, you can probably work on it by yourself and find a permanent fix.
Additionally, you can work on your DIY skills to ensure that you avoid mechanics altogether in the future and can get work done by yourself. As a general rule, you should never ignore a warning light, no matter how minor they are, because that can lead to bigger problems. Your owner’s manual can help you save money on car repairs by always telling you what to do in case of any issues.
How do people afford expensive car repairs?
A new car is one of the biggest assets that most people have in their lives. Unfortunately, cars are often subject to damage due to the lack of car maintenance or through accidents caused by other drivers on the road.
As a result, car owners often find themselves having to pay for expensive repairs when something goes wrong with their automobile or when it is damaged beyond regular car repair. People with a higher income in their financial life have instant access to lots of cash.
This helps them pay any amount of money when it comes to repairing costs. Many mechanics understand that people who have a lot of money in their wallets usually do not look for the best deal. Typically they don’t want to know how a car works, and they are willing to pay whatever they have to.
Before you start spending lots of money on repair work, you should start shopping around to see if you can save money on the jobs you are about to have done. People who do not have a lot of money should look around for ways to save their hard-earned dollars.
Last Updated on: March 16, 2025