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How to Use a Car Dent Puller? Ultimate Guide For PDR


Dents can be a frustrating deal for a car owner. Luckily for you, there are many different types of PDR tools, including glue pullers, t-bars, and suction cups that can be used to tackle this problem. This post explains in easy steps how to remove that pesky dent from your car.

Dent pullers are one of the most effective ways to remove dents from a car. The process is actually called paintless dent repair, and it is typically used by most professionals.

So you have a dent on your car. You may not know how to remove it yourself, or you are just looking for some new tips and tricks. We are going to explain how to use a car dent puller and the different types of pullers that exist for removing dents from cars.

Can I use a DIY paintless dent repair kit to remove dents?

Yes. You can buy a dent puller kit that comes with everything you need. These kits come with the tools you need to remove that dent at home, and you don’t have to worry about damaging other parts of your car.

These PDR kits are known to work best for pulling small dents. To be more specific, glue pullers and PDR rods are typically used to tackle a small dent. If you have a large dent, suction dent pullers are a better option.

If this is your first time using one of these pullers, just read through the following instructions before attempting to remove any dents. Follow all safety precautions to ensure you don’t cause any additional damage to your car or yourself while doing so.

How to Pull the Dent Out Using Glue Dent Pullers

Glue pullers use a special PDR glue substance in order to pull out dents from metal surfaces without hurting the car’s paint. This process will work the same way when using a dent lifter, T-bar, or bridge dent puller.

This type of job can be messy, so it should only be done outdoors, and wear gloves when handling the adhesive solution. The glue gun also needs time for cooling before putting back into service because it’s hot after removing a dent.

Use the following steps when you are trying to remove a dent with a car dent puller:

  1. Locate the flat pulling tab that matches the size of the dent.
  2. Use the hot glue gun to heat the glue sticks.
  3. Apply the PDR glue directly to the pulling tab.
  4. Place the tab on the dented area with ease. The panel should only be touching the adhesive bond and not the plastic tab.
  5. Find the preferred dent pulling tool and attach it to the tab.
  6. Apply the pulling pressure after you make sure the puller is placed correctly on the damaged area.
  7. Clean the glue residue and repeat the process as many times as need to remove the dent completely.

The benefit of using these dent pullers is that they are all capable of removing dents without having to replace the panel. This particular method works great when you are dealing with smaller dents.

For those using a bridge dent puller, use the middle pad located at the center of the tool to apply the pressure. Make sure you apply a thin layer of glue to the suction pads before applying it to the dent. It has a strong adhesive bond, so you do not need to apply a lot of glue to remove the dent.

If you encounter glue residue after the process, use your preferred adhesive chemical remover or the plastic tool that comes with the dent puller kit. Avoid using your flathead screwdriver or other thick metal objects to try to lift the edges of the residue. This can cause scratches to the paint.

Also, you can gently tap the outside surface area of the dent if you are having a hard time removing it. Dent removal is a challenging process, and it requires a lot of patience and persistence.

How to Fix Dents Using Suction Cup Dent Pullers

Suction dent pullers are typically used for removing shallow dents or other larger dents. These car dent pullers work best when enough suction is applied on the front of your car’s suction surface area.

In addition to removing large door dings, the suction cup at times will also be used to pop out plastic bumper dents. This car dent puller produces enough force to remove those angular dents without damaging the paint surface.

Use the following steps to remove a dent from your vehicle using a suction cup dent puller:

  1. Use a microfiber cloth to wipe out any dirt particles from the paint.
  2. Apply a little bit of water or Windex to the suction cup to improve the suction force.
  3. Open the suction cup and place it in the center of the dent, and make sure you do not push down on it.
  4. Clamp the two handles together using both of your hands.
  5. Pull out the dent by applying force towards your body.
  6. Lastly, you want to wipe out any Windex or water from the paint surface.
  7. Repeat the process if necessary.

Depending on how deep the dent is, it may take more than one try to remove it completely. However, you can pull dents with just one try if you are using this technique. You can also use a heat gun before pulling the dent. This will help you release the tension that is in the metal and will make it easier to remove.

How to Remove The Dent Using a Slide Hammer Car Dent Puller

A slide hammer dent puller can be used to remove small and large dents. There are three kinds of slide hammers: the first one uses plastic tabs, the second one screws into auto body panels, and the third requires that you weld a metal piece to the panel.

If you are going to use a slide hammer that uses plastic tabs, you can follow the same steps as the previous glue dent puller guide. This works great when you are pulling minor dents from your vehicle.

Basically, you will use the glue gun to heat up the glue stick and place the tab in the center of the dent. Make sure you use a little adhesive and apply it to the pads and not the auto body panel.

The other two types of slide hammers will require more experience. Everybody shop that offers dent repair services will carry these professional dent pullers. It is common for a PDR technician to use these pullers on thick metal surfaces. However, they will need to repair and repaint the car body part.

What are the risks of using car dent pullers?

The dent removal process has its risks. It is possible for you to use too much pressure and cause additional damage or remove paint from the car body panels while removing a dent.

Overall the glue puller process is less risky, but there is always the chance of damaging the inner paneling when using excessive force in removing dents that are deep or large.

It is important to take precautionary steps like wearing gloves and glasses to avoid any injuries when you are trying to fix a car dent. However, you can save money when you learn how to effectively use a car dent puller.

Can you remove hail damage using this method?

You can remove hail damages using this dent removal method. Most body shops use PDR rods to repair hail damage on the roof and other hard-to-reach areas of your car.

The repair process of damages caused by a hail storm is expensive and time-consuming. If you do not have enough money to hire a PDR tech, with the use of a DIY car dent pulling kit and some patience, you can repair it yourself.

Which car dent puller should you use?

Choosing the correct dent puller will depend on the type of damage. For example, if you have a bumper dent or dented door panel, you should use the suction cup puller to remove it. The suction cup will allow you to pull the dent with just one try.

For minor dents, you can try using a glue puller. The glue puller has a hook-like part that can allow you to pull the different types of dings according to the size. With some pulling force, you will eventually remove it easily, and you can also achieve a perfect finish.

How long does it take to repair a dent?

Most times, it will only take minutes to repair car damages with a PDR kit and some patience. The time varies depending on how deep the dent is in your vehicle. It can take from a few minutes to a few hours to remove the dent. You don’t need any mechanical skills or expertise in car repairs.

Final Advice

Dent pullers are a pretty common type of PDR tool that people use to remove dents from their cars. The process is similar for all types of dent pullers, but there are variations in how the tools themselves look. Once you repaired one dent, you will be more confident about removing the next one.

Last Updated on: March 16, 2025

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