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How Often to Change Oil On Your Car? | 3K Miles Myth Exposed


Unless your car has been under severe driving conditions, typically older model cars manufacturers recommend changing the oil of your car every 3000 miles or six months. Most modern luxury cars that use synthetic oil have a longer oil life, and they do not have to visit the repair facilities that often. But, how do you know how often to change oil in your car?

In your car owner’s manuals, you can find the specific oil change interval recommended for your vehicle. The standard change intervals in newer car models are between 5,000 and 7,000 depending on the driving conditions, style, and habits.

How to Identify the Motor Oil in Your Car?

Most people have no idea that there are so many different types of motor oil out there to pick from. As a consumer, it is crucial to know what kind of car oil will work best for your vehicle and keep it performed at its best for as long as it can.

According to Scientific American, keeping your car’s lubricant changed can help its performance and increase the lifetime of the vehicle. This works best when the automobile is best matched with its ideal lube. The best way to find out what kind of oil does your car uses is by looking in the oil and capacities section of your car’s owner manual.

Types of Motor Oil

There are several different grades of engine oil, and there are many different categories into which motor oils can be grouped. However, it is vital to understand the basic types of engine oils so that next time you need to change your cars oil, you can make an informed decision rather than just choosing what is the cheapest or on sale that day.


The conventional car oil is what most people think of when they hear the words motor oil. It is the most common oil used in the market. According to consumer reports, it is considered one of the least expensive types of oil to put in your vehicle.

There is a downside to this lube. It creates the most pollutants of any engine oil out there. Emitting sulfur into the air as the engine burns it and released by the exhaust. The conventional oil tends to degrade faster than the other types of engine oil. Most of the time, the oil life of this product is decreased significantly when it is subjected to extreme heat.

Full Synthetic

The synthetic lubricant is a human-made product. This product is ideal for high-performance cars. So if you have an expensive sports car or a race car then most likely your change intervals are longer than regular cars. Synthetic oil life can go up to 10,000 miles. Not like conventional motor oil that recommends oil change between 5,000 and 7,000 miles.

Not all vehicles can work with synthetic oil. Before changing the oil in your car, reference your owner’s manual to make sure you select the proper lube for your vehicle.

Synthetic Blend

This blended formula is a mix of synthetic oil and organic oil. Synthetic blended oils are usually more expensive than conventional oils, but they are far cheaper full synthetic oils.

Most people consider to change engine oils at the local auto repair shop. They forget to ask what kind of oil the local shop is going to put in their car. Synthetic Blend Oil tends to last longer than conventional oil. Also, it can help increase your fuel mileage, which is always a plus.

Frequent Oil Changes Myth: ” The 3000mile oil change.”

The only way you can determine the miles between oil changes of your car is if you read your owners manual. Now, as we speak is the perfect time to do so if you are not sure to go to a local auto repair shop and let the professionals inspect your car.

The so call myth of ” The 3000mile oil change” it might be valid only if you are driving a 2007 older model or a classic restored car. Also, if your driving style is extreme and you like to take your vehicle to the race tracks, then this is considered driving under severe conditions and might require you to change your cars oil frequently.

How to DIY Oil Change

Technicians can inspect your car oil, car battery, car seats, and everything in your vehicle. They can indicate any problems your vehicle might have by plugging in a code scanner. If you want to learn how to change your cars engine oil by your self, we recommend to watch the following video from Chris Fix:

Tip: Check our best synthetic oil to use review.


According to Edmunds, most manufacturers recommend that you should change engine oil every 5,000 to 7,00 miles if you have a car build after 2008. On the other hand, If your car is continuously under severe driving conditions, then your oil change interval might be every 3,000 miles.

Oilchange intervals vary depending on your car model and year. If you visit a car service center, they might also change the oil filter, in addition to checking other areas of your vehicle like your car battery, and exterior paint.

It is crucial to let a professional do any maintenance service that involves draining the old motor oil out of your engine. Waste management of old oils should be handled properly.

How Important is to Get an Oil Change For Your Car?

Oil changes are one of many hassles that car owners go through. It’s a crucial activity for maintaining your vehicle in good shape.

Yes, you now know the importance of changing the oil on a regular basis. But is the oil change interval confusing you? How often should you replace the oil in your car? If you’re asking these questions, don’t worry. We’re here to help.

Time vs. Mileage

Many experts recommends an oil change every 3000 miles or after three months. You know that changing the oil after every 3000 miles intervals seems ridiculous, what of the time deadline?

Well, many experts believe that the standard oil change every 3000 miles or after three months is old news. In fact, most vehicles can travel quite far without needing an oil change.

There are four main recommended oil change intervals depending on factors that are unique to your car.

  • After every 1,000 miles or six months.
  • After 3,000 miles.
  • After 5,000 to 7,500 miles.
  • After every 10,000 miles or every six months.

As a car owner, you need to change oil at regular and reasonable intervals to ensure its optimum performance. However, the main question is, what’s the maximum time or miles between oil changes should you take?

The truth is, the frequency for changing oil is dependent on your operating conditions, manufacturers recommendations, and the wear and tear that your car has suffered.

Real Intervals Based On Time and Miles

Quite a number of conditions impact on your oil change intervals. For instance, if you are driving in extreme operating conditions, then change after every 1000 to 3000 miles.

You’ll be surprised to see what these extreme conditions entail. For example, if you’re making stops through the city or through rush-traffic, the engine rarely gets hot enough to evaporate water leading to sludge on the engine cylinder wall.

Conventional Motor Oil Change Interval

Conventional oil tends to have more impurities than a synthetic blend or fully synthetic oils. Therefore, oil analysis is needed regularly to ensure maximum usage.

So, if you’re using conventional oil for your car, then do the change every six months or after every 7500 miles.

Synthetic Blend Oil Change Interval

Synthetic oil works to resist break down and withstand extreme temperature. Because of this, it tends to last longer than conventional motor oil.

At times, this resistance to breakdown helps prolong the life of your car engine. They do so, by reducing sludge buildup in your engine.

If you’re using synthetic oil, then you can go over 10,000 miles between oil changes.

Full Synthetic Oil Change Interval

Switching to synthetic oil is good for your car. It might be expensive, yes, but it offers maximum protection to your engine.
So, if you can afford this extra cost, then you should go for it. However, if your car needs it, then you should use it. While you can save on fuel economy by making the switch, stick to the same change schedule recommended by the manufacturer.

What Does Consistent Replacement Do?

1. First, oil changes keep your engine clean. It is incredibly destructive to your vehicle to let it run on dirty motor oil. Because motors operate better when they have cleaned oil, it is crucial to change your engine oil based on the manufacturers recommendations, and also based on your driving habits.

2. Extends the Life of Your Engine – It is essential for your vehicle engine’s health to change the oil on a regular bases. Your engines life may be reduced if you practice skipping an oil change service continuously. Clean and fresh oil lubricates all of the parts of the engine and prevents grinding and significant damages.

3. Improved Gas Mileage Performance – Your engine works harder if you don’t get your oil changed. This will result in added expenses at the gas pump because your vehicle will burn more fuel. Improving your oil will help you save money on gas in the long run. It is a good thing to have extra money on your savings accounts to pay old student loans and old credit card bills.

Tip: A fuel injector cleaner can improve your gas mileage performance.

4. Prevents Overheating – New oil in your engine’s vehicle cools it down. There is a massive risk of overheating when your cars oil levels are low. Taking your vehicle in to repair facilities for regular oil changes will allow professionals to check your engine oil life and levels to make proper adjustments.

Why Change my Car Oil at an Auto Repair Facilities?

Oil change services nowadays are very inexpensive. Regular maintenance of your car will result in benefits that will improve the life of your engine. If your oil change light comes one, call a local car care center that has certified mechanics who use modern technology to change the oil in your car. This will keep your vehicle running smoothly.

You can book or schedule an appointment from your cell phone using the Jiffy Lube or Valvoline websites. Try to locate a repair facility close to you and find out what are their service costs, payment options, and if they have any coupons with discounts available.

How to Extend the Life of Your Cars Engine?

Getting regular oil changes based on what manufacturers recommend.

Oil changes will pay big dividends, and it will ensure that your vehicle continues to run smoothly. In the old day’s mechanics used to tell you that it was wise to change the oil on your car every 3,000 miles or every three months, nowadays depending on your driving style, newer car models have longer oil life.

During an oil change service, your local mechanic should also inspect your air filter, car battery, timing belt, and car seats. Also, every fluid level, as well as checking your cars tire pressure. Any abnormal wear and tear will indicate if you have to make any repairs to maintain the life of your car’s engine.

Top 5 Benefits of Regular Oil Changes

Oil change in cars is a mustFrequent oil changes and proper oil life monitoring systems will improve your overall car performance, whether you have a new car or an older model that has over 100,000 miles of use. Here are some the benefits of frequent oil changes:

Engine performance at its peak

If the internal engine parts are kept clean and lubricated, then you can expect an overall quieter and smoother ride with plenty of power during the life of the engine. Always change the oil of your car if your planning for a few short trips during the year.

Keeps the engine clean

When you have old oil in your engine that has debris, this can damage some parts of your engine. Replacing the old oil and the filters will keep dirt particles out of the engine, protecting the vital components. You can compare car performance before and after your oil changes and notice how smooth the car will drive.

Increases miles per gallon

By improving the quality of your engine’s lubrication, you will increase the gas mileage performance. Clean oil reduces friction that slows down a car’s engine. This will help you save money because you will be filling the tank less often.

Reduces harmful emissions

Fresh oil is less likely to burn. With clean oil, your engine will be able to absorb particles, making cleaner emissions. For older cars, this is especially vital to prevent an excess of harmful engine emissions caused by burning old oil in your vehicle.

Extend engine life

To protect your engine keep the oil clean and fresh. There is no better way to extend the engine life than regular maintenance of your car, and right driving style. To boost engine performance, and guard against engine wear recommended oil change is the best solution.

Regular oil changes are an excellent investment for the entire life of your vehicle, saving you unexpected and costly breakdowns. Ask your mechanic for oil-life monitors if your car does not have one integrated.


Regular motor oil changes are crucial for all vehicles, including lawn mowers. New cars models like Land Rover Freelander requires the use of synthetic oil for their engines. Make sure you read your owners manual to check the oil change interval that the manufacturer recommends for your car.

Also, you can call your local car care for an inspection of your car. Ask them what condition your car oil is currently in. Also, you should ask them what kind of oil life monitoring systems you can use to keep up with needed maintenance services for your car.

Car insurers or auto insurance companies do not cover oil changes in their policy. It is the car owners responsibility to have oil life monitoring systems in place to keep the car in optimum conditions. Also, some insurance companies will replace a car battery only if the vehicle has been in an accident.

If you want to learn more about life insurance, homeowners insurance, mortgage rates, and credit scores, visit websites like Luicci or The Balance. Don’t forget to change your oil, and keep a maintenance schedule of your car. Philip Reed a car expert from Nerd Wallet is another great source for automobile tips.

Last Updated on: July 13, 2022

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