Home / Transmission / 5 Bad Automatic Transmission Slipping Signs & How to Fix it

5 Bad Automatic Transmission Slipping Signs & How to Fix it


Automatic transmission slipping is a very common problem that affects millions of vehicles every year. It can occur for many reasons, but the most common cause is low transmission fluid levels. When the fluid level gets too low, it can’t properly lubricate and cool the transmission, causing it to overheat and slip.

Other causes of automatic transmission slipping include a faulty transmission filter, worn clutches, or a damaged torque converter. Whatever the reason, it’s important to get it fixed as soon as possible to avoid further damage to your transmission.

We will explain a foundation knowledge of the warning indications of automatic transmission slipping and what to do about it. A slipping transmission can be a serious safety risk since it can suddenly cause the car to stall in traffic.

Overall a slipping transmission can also be costly to repair. Not only can it leave you stranded on the road, but you may also be involved in an excessive new or rebuild transmission altogether.

The History Of the Automatic Transmission

Automatic transmissions have turn out to be exceptionally normal in American autos. While Asian or European vehicles have had a tendency to stay with manual transmissions, American vehicles have moved solely to automatic, particularly among non-performance machines.

Truth be told, for the regular American driver, the term standard transmission, which alludes to the manual transmission, is a misnomer, since the standard is currently automatic.

Vehicles with automatic transmissions are apparently simpler to drive, and can be done so using stand out hand and one foot. Stand out this from the two hands and two feet needed to legitimately shift apparatuses using a manual.

To switch apparatuses using a manual transmission, the driver needs to feel for where the grasp slips, and where it sticks, and create expertise at transitioning between the two. A gifted driver can shift riggings using a manual as easily as an automatic.

5 Signs of Automatic Transmission Slipping

Check your transmission fluid to avoid a transmission rebuildA vehicle’s transmission permits engaged and controlled utilization of the force coming from the engine. In an automatic vehicle, the transmission is in charge of the smooth transition starting with one apparatus then onto the next without the need of a manual shift by the driver.

#1 Spill coming from the transmission pan

If there is a regularly growing pool of translucent red fluid in your carport or carport, it is a certain sign that the transmission has a hole or is leaking via a gasket. Red transmission liquid is one of the signs of transmission problems you should no avoid.

Obviously, if liquid is leaking, this is a decent time to check your remaining liquid level before driving to the mechanic. Driving anywhere with next to zero transmission liquid is dangerous. Leaking liquid is the greatest indicator of transmission slipping.

#2 Shimmy at higher engine RPMS

Whether you call it a shiver, a shimmy or a shake, when your automatic vehicle shudders into apparatus you are likely experiencing the beginning of a transmission issue.

Frequently, the shimmy sensation is an indication of a change, rather than a complete slipping, however little issues develop into huge ones rapidly.

Regard the shimmy as your auto’s initial warning system and get to a mechanic to maintain a strategic distance from an all the more excessive repair or transmission substitution.

Another sign you can search for that indicates your transmission is slipping may be an RMP Gage over 3500. Taking a considerable measure of time to drift – as soon as possible in speeding up – transmission not legitimately transmitting energy to engine.

Transmission band worn or broken – huge number of engine inconveniences including exhausted transmission gears. Low transmission fluid level can be an indicator that there is a leak in the auto transmission.

#3 Smell bad at high vehicle speed

Transmission liquid assumes a vast part in the achievement of the transmission system, lubricating mechanisms additionally preventing overheating.

When there is a hole in the liquid, it trickles on the engine and gets hot. The odor of burning transmission liquid is an indication of transmission slipping.

What does burning transmission liquid smell like? Some depict it as a smoldered oil smell, others say its like blazed espresso blended with antifreeze. Either way, a harmful odor from in the engine merits your consideration.

#4 A noticeable slip when shifting gears

A slipping transmission, or a slipping of the apparatuses to draw in accurately, can make driving hazardous or outlandish.

Slipping can include an inability to control the vehicle during increasing speed or deceleration, adapts that connect with too gradually or bands that do not bolt effectively.

Thumping, knocking and humming sounds, an absence of force, and a transformation counter or needle out of sync with performed activities, are all symptoms of a slipping transmission.

#5 Check engine light will turn on

If the check engine light is on when the transmission slips, there is a problem with the transmission control module. This can often be fixed with a software update from the manufacturer.

In some situations, the friction material on clutch plates and transmission bands from items like clutch packs may be worn away and floating in your old fluid.

A faulty solenoid or low automatic transmission fluid levels can also be another common problem. When it is leaking fluid, the transmission will need to be serviced by a professional.

Fix Transmission Slipping Problems

Low transmission liquid – fill it with enough liquid to permit transmission to work properly. Special Note – In many cases, automatic transmissions must be checked when the engine is running and warmed up. Drive the auto 10 miles or more to legitimately warm it up!

Your transmission is basic to the best possible functioning of your vehicle and also discriminating for personal and traveler well-being. Should you encounter any of these symptoms, find a trustworthy mechanic in your general vicinity to address any transmission issues you are experiencing.

If you need transmission service, make certain to choose a mechanic offering the national Golden Rule warranty for automatic transmissions. This warranty means you are secured by a part transmission shop regardless of where you are traveling.

Transmission slipping is no fun however it can be maintained a strategic distance from in many cases. Listen to your vehicle, pay consideration on its needs and it will serve you well for many miles to come.

How to Check Automatic Transmission Fluids?

  1. Park the auto on a level surface.
  2. Leave your foot on the brake, keep the parking brake on, and let the engine unmoving.
  3. Move the gearshift through every rigging – This will guarantee that the pressure driven chambers in the transmission load with oil.
  4. Check the level with the engine running – this permits liquid to be circulating regularly. By not following this stride, you will get an incorrect reading. Extraordinary Note – Consult the owner’s manual for information on checking your ATF liquid in light of the fact that some oblige auto to be in park/nonpartisan or some have the instructions on the dipstick.
  5. Find the transmission dipstick, generally set at the back of the engine. Haul the dipstick out and wipe it clean with a paper towel or a cloth. Note the markings on the end of the stick indicating liquid levels: “FULL” and “Include 1 PINT.” Fluid that is clean and transparent is good! Special Note – Examine liquid for issues by wiping the dipstick with clean a white paper towel and examining the liquid on the paper – Replace Fluid with dark stores, metal particles, and soil. Likewise, supplant liquid that is dark and/or having a blazed scent.

How to Include Transmission Liquid?

  1. Only include transmission liquid if it is at or beneath the “Include” mark. Never fill past the “Full” check.
  2. Be certain to utilize transmission liquid that is suggested by the manufacturer.Consult the proprietor’s manual for this information.
  3. Transmission liquid is sold in quarts. Do not include the whole quart without a moment’s delay! Include little sums at once until you get the right reading on the dipstick.
  4. Special Note – Use a channel to get the liquid into the fill tube.
  5. Wait for the liquid to settle in the wake of adding it.
  6. After a couple of minutes, warm auto up again. If regardless it is not reading the right level, include more fluid.Special note – Some vehicles have different methods for checking ATF levels so verify you take after your proprietor’s manual. A few vehicles do not even have a dipstick! Do not stress there is an approach to check the liquid. Case in point, some have a speedometer adapt that you haul out and if it is totally secured with liquid then it is full. Other vehicles have an attachment under the auto and if liquid runs out it is full.

How Does An Automatic Transmission Shift Gears?

Instead of a grip, an automatic transmission has a torque converter. A torque converter is a liquid coupling that transfers the rotational vitality of the input shaft to the yield shaft.

Since liquid is utilized, the productivity is never 100%. The best liquid couplings have a proficiency of about 94%, which means that for each 100 upheavals of the input shaft, the yield shaft pivots 94 times.

While primitive pressure driven couplings were essentially two rotors in a fluid filled case, present day torque converters are fit for converting rate to torque, much like a decrease gearbox. This is done by a system of rotors and stators that control the velocity and course of the liquid in the case.

Torque converters need to work at three distinct classes of velocities. The main classification is slow down rate. In this circumstance, the engine is running, yet the vehicle is not moving, for example, when the driver’s foot is on the brake while waiting for a red light.

In a manual transmission circumstance, the grasp would be completely discouraged, and the engine totally detached from the wheels. However, in the case of an automatic, there is no grasp, and so liquid streams out of the converter, and somewhat bypasses the yield rotor.

At low speeds, the liquid streams from the input rotor to the yield rotor, through the stator and back to the input rotor. At high speeds (more prominent than 40 mph), the torque converter locks.

This means that instead of just a liquid association between the moving rotors, a pin interfaces them inflexibly, bringing productivity up to 100%.

Operating the a faulty torque converter with the rotors at unfathomably different rates sends the profoundly pressurized liquid through the stator locale of the case at high speeds, and creates heat.

Last Updated on: January 11, 2023

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