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Top 5 Car Noises Explained [Everything You Need To Know]


In most cases, the culprit is a loose item somewhere inside the car. A forgotten wrapper crinkles in the air conditioning stream or the seat belt clasp clinks against a coffee cup.

Usually it’s nothing that a good cleaning can’t cure and that can wait till you get home or at least to the next rest stop. However, there are some noises that can’t be ignored. That is why we have a list of the common car noises explained below:

Top 5 Most Common Car Noises Explained

Weird Car Noises Explained

Sometimes that annoying noise is a warning that it’s time to visit your import car repair shop. Certain ticks or squeals can signal a real problem.

You have to train your ears to listen for the difference between the typical noises any car produces and the creaks and groans of a vehicle in trouble. Here are a few sounds you can’t afford to ignore.

Heavy Clunking

A heavy clunking or thumping sound can be the signal that something is wrong in several areas. It can be anything from the shocks to a failing cv joint on the drive shaft.

Check your trunk for anything weighty that might have shifted or bumped while the car was moving before you go to the import auto service technician. If the trunk doesn’t hold the answer, see your mechanic.

Metal On Metal Grinding

The braking system is a delicately balanced series of parts working in concert with one another. It should operate with a minimum of racket considering friction is its main method of operation.

If you hear a metallic grinding or a metal-on-metal squeal, you should have your mechanic take a listen. Your brake pads may have worn out.

If the pads are worn through, you’ll need a brake job right away. Worn brake pads can leave the rotors vulnerable to damage. A brake failure could also be on the horizon if the pads are not given proper attention.

Hissing In The Engine

If you hear a snake-like hissing coming from the engine, your car might be in trouble. This sound may be heard while driving or after the car has stopped. If you hear hissing coming from your engine, very carefully lift the hood and look for steam and any evidence of leaks. Check under the car as well.

This noise can have more than one source. It could be an overheated engine or a leaky cooling system. The antifreeze may be leaking if you smell something sweet when you open the hood. Either one will necessitate a visit to the repair shop.

Acceleration Roar

There are people who love the roar of an exhaust system that has been altered. But if the exhaust is making that noise without intention, there is likely a problem. This noise may be your car’s way of telling you that you need a new muffler or pipes.

The noise itself isn’t harmful but the problem causing it can be quite dangerous. Carbon dioxide leaking from the exhaust system can endanger the driver and passengers. Just a little bit is enough to impair the driver’s alertness and skill level at the wheel.

Dizziness, nausea and headaches are symptoms of exposure to too much CO2. A high enough concentration can even cause death.Learn to listen to your car. Turn down the music every so often to listen for problems.

When cars make funny noises it is the car’s way of telling you that something is wrong. Paying attention to these sounds can mean the difference between a minor repair and a major car repair at your auto repair shop. Here are the top sounds you should never ignore with your car.

Don’t ignore your car noises. For example, if you hear squealing with your wheels that is a noise you should not ignore. The squealing often happens while driving and changing from one speed to another.

Squealing Noises

Squealing noises with your tires could be a problem with the axel bearing or wheel bearing. If that is the case, they can eventually lead to serious safety issues. It could lead to the bearings eventually failing completely which can result in wheel lockup and loss of control.

Also, don’t ignore grinding noises that your brakes make. Brake noises are going to happen when you apply your brakes. This usually is heard to be scraping, creaking, or groaning. Damaged exhaust systems can leak fumes into the cabin but you may not be able to spot them easily.

If you constantly feel very tired when you are driving or get headaches then you need to stop driving and check the exhaust system immediately. Leaky and damaged pipes, blocked mufflers and plugged catalytic convertors can all cause toxic fumes to leak into the cabin and this could be extremely damaging to your health.

If you hear those noises you don’t want to ignore them. It is often an issue with the brake pads. It is normal to hear a little bit of squeaking during the cold months because pads sometimes make noises when they are damp or cold.

However, when there is a definite grinding sound this is a sign that your brake pads need to be replaced. You need to be sure to get that done quickly. Delaying taking your car in to the Utah auto repair shop can cause more serious issues, such as your brakes going out entirely.


Don’t ignore any hissing sounds that come from your engine. When you are driving, or sometimes after you drive, a hissing sound coming from your engine compartment could mean that your engine is overheating or leaking coolant.

Don’t continue driving when you hear this type of noise since overheating can quickly cause a lot of damage to your engine. Also, don’t ignore a tapping noise that comes from your engine. Tapping noises that come from your engine could be a sign that there is not enough oil pressure.

Check that the oil is at the correct level. Loss of oil pressure for your engine can cause a lot of issues with your engine. If your oil is leaking or you don’t have enough pressure be sure to take it in to a Utah auto repair shop for repairs so it does not cause additional damage to your engine.

Last Updated on: October 21, 2024

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